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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners

The collaborations with the teams of Michel H. Devoret, Robert J. Schoelkopf, Liang Jiang and Steven M. Girvin, enforced through a two year sabbatical visit of Mazyar Mirrahimi at Yale university, have led to a set of contributions ranging from the theoretical analysis and performance optimization of ongoing experiments on weak quantum measurements [2] and preparation of non-classical field states through single photon Kerr effect [3] to the design of new experiments on single qubit cooling [1] and stabilization of maximally entangled states of superconducting qubits [8] by reservoir engineering techniques. Through these collaborations, Mazyar Mirrahimi and his former PhD student, Zaki Leghtas, currently a postdoc with Michel H. Devoret's group, have introduced a new direction for hardware-efficient universal quantum computation [4] , [5] . These theoretical proposals have already led to groundbreaking experiments [10] , [9] .